Whey Protein

Bodybuilding has already become a craze among the modern young generation. The hard endeavor to grow & build muscles is not only done by the actors and athletes; but it is also performed by a large number of common public. Use of muscle building supplements has been very popular to grow a proper body and among these supplements, whey protein is really an important one.

Whey protein is a milk protein that is the liquid by-product of cheese production. In supplement form, whey protein comes in three main forms:

Whey Protein Concentrate: Contains some fat and lactose and between 29% - 89% protein depending on the specific product. It is also enriched with different bio active compounds.

Whey Protein Isolates: Contains minimal fat, cholesterol and lactose and 90% or more protein.

Whey Protein Hydrolysates: Hydrolysates are commonly used for the clinical application because they are partially broken and easy to absorb.

Protein digestibility corrected amino acid score (PDCAA) is a measure of both how well a protein is digested and how well it can supply different amino acids required by the adults.

Whey protein has earned the highest rank in PDCAA score. As the whey protein contains all the essential amino acids needed for human metabolism, this protein is denoted as a complete protein. Whey protein can also supply a number of branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) which are very important for nutrition. Also the research has ensured that whey protein helps to increase the synthesis of muscle proteins.

Whey protein is enriched with a heavy amount of Leucine. Leucine plays a main role in the protein synthesis, a process which occurs through burning quite a few calories. Also Leucine stimulates the oxidation of fatty acids. Modern studies indicate that whey protein can enhance human appetite better than any other type of protein. A high appetite means a large amount of food intake and as a result a strong health. A famous study in the University of Oklahoma has revealed that that whey protein supplementation can result in a significant weight loss by removing the extra fat of the body. A recent research has also found that adding 60 grams of whey protein per day, in comparison to 60 grams of soya protein or 60 grams of carbohydrate, can ultimately result to a significant reduction in body fat and also the weight after 6 months.


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