Importance of Vitamin B (Multi-Vitamin)

B-complex vitamins, what are they? These are the vitamins that are an essential part of our diet. We need these for breaking down carbohydrates to give us energy, breaking down fats and proteins, muscle tone, skin, hair, and eyes. They also help with our growth and development. If we don't get enough B vitamins, serious health problems can occur.

There are eight vitamins in this group. But the common three are thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), and folic acid (B9). You can find these vitamins naturally in whole-grain cereals, meats, fish, fruits, green vegetables, milk, rice, eggs, and nuts. The B-complex vitamins are water soluble. This means your body will keep what it needs and get rid of the rest.

We need thiamine to turn the carbohydrates we eat into glucose, a simple sugar. It is also an important vitamin to keep your nervous system working properly.

If you do not get enough thiamine, you could have one or more of several health problems. Some of these problems are anemia (the red blood cells don't deliver oxygen to the body), muscles get smaller and weaker, muscle spasms, or even paralysis. Other health problems include lack of coordination, short-term memory, and sensitivity of the teeth, gums, and cheeks.

Riboflavin also breaks down carbohydrates, but in addition it breaks down fats and proteins. We need riboflavin for our skin and eyes to be healthy. It creates a chemical reaction in our bodies that adds oxygen to things in the body. Skin disorders and swelling of the mouth and nose are signs of not getting enough riboflavin in your diet. It also causes anemia and your eyes can become very sensitive to light. Riboflavin is found mostly in dairy products-milk, eggs, and cheese.

But it is also in whole-grains, meat, and peas.

Folic Acid is one of the most important of the B-complex vitamins, especially for pregnant women. It works together with vitamin B12 to create DNA. This vitamin is necessary for all biochemical reactions in the body. Doctors recommend that women who can become pregnant take at least 400 mcg of folic acid, and women who are pregnant need to raise it to 600-800 mcg a day to help give the fetus the vitamins it needs and prevent birth defects such at spina bifida. As with thiamine and riboflavin, a shortage of folic acid can cause anemia. It can also cause poor growth and problems with the mouth. You can find folic acid naturally in green vegetables, whole grain cereals, and in other foods.

Studies have also shown that people who do not get enough folic acid have a higher risk of getting certain types of cancers. One way to make sure you get enough B-complex vitamins in your diet is to take a good multi-vitamin. There are many benefits of taking a daily multivitamin. Multivitamins help to fill in the gaps of the vitamins we did not get from our food. Any excess will just be flushed from the body. Especially with women who can become pregnant or are pregnant, taking a good daily multivitamin can help the fetus get its proper nutrition.

Taking a good multivitamin can help you get the amount of the B-complex vitamins your body needs to be healthy and strong. It will also save you in the long run with doctor's bills. It is never too late to start taking a multivitamin.

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