The process of herbal weight loss follows two main ways, one by increasing the rate of metabolism and the other by tricking the brain. Losing weight is a gradual process that can be accelerated to a great extent with the aid of herbal supplements. Obesity is an endemic disease in almost all developed countries like America. Intense research on the ways to reduce weight has lead to the discovery of many herbs that promote the weight loss process. With further experimentation and usage some of the herbs have been banned by the FDA as they have been tested to be causing fatal consequences. The following are some herbs that are quite safe for use and would lead to the loss of weight effectively as well as healthily.
Cayenne - The plant extract works in reducing weight by increasing the rate of metabolism. In addition to its weight reducing ability the herb can be used as a flavored spice as well.
In fact, if you are looking out for a substitute of the conventional spices you may sprinkle this plant on the food to make it taste delicious. The herb actually contains an ingredient known as the capsicum which plays a vital role in stimulating the salivary glands leading to rapid rate of digestion and increasing the process of metabolism to a healthy level.Green Tea - The work mechanisms of promoting weight of the green tea is quite similar to that of coffee. The ingredients of the herb have high stimulating properties. On taking a sip of the tea slowly one would feel energetic and fresh. The green tea has added advantages over coffee as it is rich in vitamin C and flavoniods. The flavoniods are actually antioxidant compounds. Apart from being packed in tea bags the tea can also be taken in the form of capsules.
The tea assimilates well with liquid and it should be ideally to be sipped in.Seaweed - The seaweed is a natural thyroid stimulant. The seaweed has good number of mineral ingredients like the chromium and iodine that would initiate a healthy weight loss. The seaweed extracts are generally taken in tablets or capsules.
There are certain herbs that though help dieters in reducing weight but may lead to serious ailments ultimately causing death. Many of the herb extracts are banned and you should be careful of staying away from intake of such herbs while undergoing a weight loss regime. The herbal weight loss herbs like the Ephedra and Herbal fen-phen are to be strictly avoided.