The ?winter vitamin? or vitamin D

This definition of vitamin D is not given accidentally, since this is the most affected by winter vitamin. Belonging to the group of fat-soluble, those vitamins are synthesized by the skin under the influence of the sun's ultraviolet rays. In winter, when sun rays are rare and have very low intensity, the level of this vitamin drops sharply. Since it (more precisely its absence) is responsible for the development of rickets, osteoporosis and dental cavities, it is very important to get necessary amounts of it through diet or in the form of artificial additives.

Another common name for vitamin D is kaltsiferol. It regulates the absorption and utilization of the minerals calcium and phosphorus from the body.


The main source of vitamin D is the sunlight. Only ten minutes a day in a clear summer day are enough for you to get the needed amounts of it. In a clear winter day, you need a minimum of two hours.
In the food most vitamin D is found in fish oils, followed by cheese, eggs, butter, olive oil. Best bet on the oily fish, this is best in addition to vitamin D. There are of course many other useful ingredients.

Vitamin D is especially important not only for the bone formation, but plays an important role in many calcium-dependent neurologic and cellular functions, as well as normal growth and development. Also helps the immune system by taking part in the construction of certain white blood cells called monocytes. White blood cells are the fighters against infection.

As already mentioned one of the major roles of vitamin D is preventing the onset and development of osteoporosis. The main reason for the development of this disease is lack of calcium, but only mobilization of the necessary dose of this mineral would be of great help because for it to be absorbed and used the presence of vitamin D is required. If you take only vitamin D, you would still not reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Only the regular intake of adequate doses of both substances have the effect in the desired direction and would strengthen the bones. This is particularly for women in the period after menopause. At that time they are most susceptible to this disease and all the related complications.

Rickets can also be treated with a good dose of vitamin D. Rickets is a syndrome that mainly affects children and is manifested as a deformation of the limbs (especially lower) and joints, as well as delayed growth and development. This is one reason why pregnant women necessarily take more than the enough dose of vitamin D in combination with calcium, as it directly affects the development and health of the newborn.

It is believed that this vitamin has a role in preventing cancer, particularly cancer of the colon. Deficiency increases the risk of this type of cancer, but the adoption of more than the recommended dose has no benefits. Also it could also have a protective effect against prostate cancer and breast cancer, but it has not yet been proven with certainty.
For many elderly people lack of vitamin D could lead to hearing damage, particularly affecting the small bones that send sound through the middle ear. If this is the case, taking vitamin D could reverse the process.


Overdose has mild side effects like loss of appetite, constipation, dry mouth, thirst, metallic taste or exhaustion. More severe symptoms of overdose include severe headache, increased blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, confusion.

It is very important to take vitamins but it is also as important to follow the intake of the proper dose.

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