Vitamin A Deficiency Symptoms

It is important to recognize vitamin A deficiency symptoms since vitamin A is so essential to the body. This particular mineral plays an important role in many body functions such as bone growth, cell diffusion, cell division, reproduction and vision. It also helps to regulate the immune system to keep away infections. When the body does not get enough vitamin A, it becomes susceptible to bacteria and viruses.

There are several vitamin A deficiency symptoms such as having trouble seeing in dim lights or at night. If your eyes have trouble adapting to darkness, this could be a sign of deficiency. Most of the other symptoms are also related to eye conditions. These include dry eyes and nearly white spots on the eyelids. Other symptoms may show through the skin. Dry skin is often a sign of deficiency. Wounds that will not heal may also be a sign. Furthermore, dry and weak hair and nails may be symptoms of vitamin A deficiency.

It is recommended that adult males 19 years of age and older get at least 900 micrograms of vitamin A per day. Adult females this age and older are recommended to get a 700 microgram intake of the mineral per day. However, pregnant womens intake recommendations increase to 770 micrograms while females in lactation should get 1300 micrograms a day.

Consuming foods high in vitamin A is one of the most obvious ways to prevent deficiency. There are many vitamin A rich foods such as apricots, broccoli, carrots, fish, ghee, liver, mangos, milk, papayas, pumpkins, spinach and sweet potatoes. Liver and carrots are by far the best food source of this mineral. Cooked beef liver has more than 27,000 micrograms and cooked chicken liver has nearly 13,000 micrograms. There are more than 22,500 micrograms of the mineral in carrot juice while boiled carrots have more than 13,000 micrograms. Of course, you can also try vitamin A supplements if you are at risk of deficiency.